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News and Events

Keep up with the latest news and events from Saint Louis University's School of Medicine Office of Ignatian Mission in Medicine.

Past Events

Black Health and Wellness

Panelists include Alicia Barnes, D.O., M.P.H., Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D., and Esmeralda Aharon.

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'Know the Past, Shape the Future' in Recognition of Black History Month

It's important to know the history to understand the present and make targeted changes for the future.

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Military Veteran Outreach

The recent events in Afghanistan have affected many in our communities, especially military veterans. Please know that you are not alone.

As combat veterans themselves, Daniel Blash, M.D., vice dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion and chief diversity officer for the School of Medicine, and SMSgt Esmeralda Aharon, USAF, program director for staff and community engagement, invite military veterans to a moment of reflection over lunch.

博彩网址大全SOM Equity and Wellness Lecture Series: "Forward, Together"
  • Utilizing HR Resources, presented by La Juana Walker-McGill, ComPsych
  • Caring for Others Where We Work and Play, presented by Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D. 
  • Improving Self Care, presented by Lauren Schwarz, Ph.D.
    • Recording unavailable 
  • Cultivating Professional and Personal Resilience, presented by Daniel Blash, Ph.D.
Ya Me Vacuné Contra COVID-19, ¿Ahora Qué?

La Oficina de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de la Facultad de Medicina se asoció con expertos comunitarios para responder sus preguntas sobre la vacuna COVID-19. Durante el seminario, escuchamos a expertos en investigación, enfermedades infecciosas y medicina familiar y comunitaria para responder las preguntas comunes sobre las vacunas COVID-19. El seminario en línea fue moderado por Esmeralda Aharon, M.A., directora de programa s para el personal y relaciones comunitarias de la Oficina de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis. 

Los panelistas incluyeron: 

  • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Vice decano de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión y Director de Diversidad, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Diego Abente, Presidente y CEO, Casa de Salud
  • Lourdes T. Bailon, Directora Ejecutiva, STLJuntos
  • Yvonne M. Buhlinger, Vice Presidenta Ejecutiva, Fundación de Salud y Vice Presidenta de Desarrollo y Relaciones Comunitarias, Affinia Clínica de la Salud
  • Julia López, Ph.D., Instructora de Medicina, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis
  • Christina García, Ph.D., Profesora Asistente, Idiomas, Literaturas y Culturas, Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Jesús García-Martínez, M.D., Ph.D., Decano Asociado de Investigación, Profesor de Ciencias Clínicas de la Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Doisy de la Universidad de Saint Louis



Women in Medicine and Science: Tackling COVID-19 Vaccine Myths  What’s True, What’s Myth, Who Should I Believe? 

The School of Medicine partnered with experts to answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. During the one-hour online seminar, we heard from experts in research, infectious disease, and family and community medicine on the facts about COVID-19 vaccines. The choice to be vaccinated for COVID-19 is a personal one. It's vital to ask questions and be informed with the latest information that will allow you to make a good decision for yourself. 

Panelists included: 

  • Sharon Frey, M.D., clinical director of 博彩网址大全’s Center for Vaccine Development and principal investigator of the Moderna trial at 博彩网址大全
  • Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D., assistant dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and associate professor, Family and Community Medicine at Saint Louis University
  • Niva Lubin-Johnson, M.D., an internal medicine physician based in Chicago, an advocate of quality health care for all, especially the underserved and underrepresented. Niva Lubin-Johnson served as the 119th President of the National Medical Association (NMA) and serves as chair of the Women Physicians Section Governing Council for the American Medical Association (AMA). 

Moderated by: 

  • Esmeralda Aharon, program director, staff and community engagement for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
    Hosted by: 
  • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Vice Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion​ and Chief Diversity Officer, Saint Louis University School of Medicine​

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Mi Familia y la Vacuna de COVID-19: ¿Qué es verdad, qué es el mito, a quién debo creerle?

La Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis se asoció con la comunidad Latinx para responder a preguntas sobre la vacuna COVID-19. Escuchamos a expertos en investigación, enfermedades infecciosas, inmigración y el Consulado de México. La decisión de vacunarse contra COVID-19 es personal. Es vital hacerle preguntas a su médico familiar hasta que tenga respuestas que le permitan tomar una buena decisión para usted y su familia. 

Los panelistas incluyeron:

  • Esmeralda Aharon, Directora de Programas, Participación del Personal y la Comunidad de la Oficina de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Vicedecano de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión y Director de Diversidad, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis
  • James F. Duffy, S.J., M.D., Decano Asociado de Currículo Clínico, Profesor Asistente de Medicina Interna, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Christina García, Ph.D., Profesora Asistente, Idiomas, Literaturas y Culturas, Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Jesús García-Martínez, M.D., Ph.D., Decano Asociado de Investigación, Profesor de Ciencias Clínicas de la Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Doisy de la Universidad de Saint Louis
  • Julia López, Ph.D., Instructora de Medicina, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis
  • Alfonso Navarro-Bernachi, Cónsul Titular, Consulado de México en Kansas City, Missouri
  • Jessica Piedra J.D., Abogada de Inmigración, Oficinas Legales de Jessica Piedra



COVID-19 Vaccine: Facts for the Community and Faith-Based Organizations

On Feb. 17, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the School of Medicine at Saint Louis University hosted an informative webinar, titled "COVID-19 Vaccine: Facts for the Community and Faith-Based Organizations."

Saint Louis University School of Medicine partnered with the faith community to answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. During this 75-minute online seminar we heard from experts in research, infectious diseases and clergy members on what's true and what's myth about the vaccine.

Panelists included:

  • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Vice Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion​ and Chief Diversity Officer, Saint Louis University School of Medicine​
  • Sharon Frey, M.D., Clinical Director, Center for Vaccine Development, Saint Louis University​
  • Reverend Charles Norris, St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Louis, Mo.
  • Pastor C. Myles Young, The Rock Church, Elk Grove, Calif.

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Featuring Otha Myles, M.D., specialist in internal medicine and infectious diseases

On Feb. 2, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the School of Medicine at Saint Louis University hosted an informative webinar, "Building Public Confidence: Debunking COVID-19 Vaccine Myths."

In order to dispel myths around the COVID-19 vaccine, we partnered with clergy leaders of all denominational backgrounds to build public confidence to successfully vaccinate our diverse community. During this one-hour online seminar, we heard from experts in research, infectious disease and family and community medicine on the facts about COVID-19 vaccines and why you should get the vaccine.

Panelists included:

  • Otha Myles, M.D., specialist in internal medicine and infectious diseases, and founder of the Infectious Disease Clinic at Mercy Hospital
  • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Saint Louis University's vice dean of diversity, equity and inclusion, and chief diversity officer
  • Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D., Saint Louis University's interim assistant dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, and associate professor of family and community medicine
  • Jo-Ann Jose, M.D., division of infectious diseases, allergy and immunology, 博彩网址大全Care

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John H. Gladney, M.D., Virtual Awards and Recognition Webinar
  • Keynote Speaker: Contessa Metcalfe, M.D., BRAVO reality TV star of Married to Medicine and Saint Louis University School of Medicine alumnus
  • Special Guests: Judith Gladney, daughter of John H. Gladney, M.D. and Connie Agard, daughter of John H. Gladney, M.D.
  • Co-panelist: Daniel Blash, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer for the School of Medicine, Saint Louis University
  • Co-panelist: Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D., Interim Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Saint Louis University School of Medicine
  • Co-panelist: Robert Wilmott, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean, School of Medicine, Saint Louis University

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Other events
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Memorial Tribute, Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Starsky D. Wilson (Jan 2021)
  • SNMA/LMSA Welcome Back Social (2019)
  • Addressing the Role of Privilege and Discrimination in the Health Care Delivery System
  • 博彩网址大全 Medical School Celebrates Figures in Black History: The Saint Louis University School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion celebrated Black History Month with a series of networking luncheons for faculty and students. The luncheons were an opportunity for medical students to interact with faculty and discuss workplace challenges.
    • Henry Randall, M.D., Division Chief, Adult and Pediatric Abdominal Transplantation, was in attendance to share stories and give advice on navigating the workplace and career paths.
    • Alicia Barnes, D.O., M.P.H., department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience encouraged students to connect to the National Medical Association (NMA) and other groups that encourage career development.
    • Denise Hooks-Anderson, M.D., department of Family and Community Medicine, noted the importance of collaborating with peers in nearby universities to increase network opportunities.
    • Daniel Blash, Ph.D., vice dean for diversity, equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer for the School of Medicine, said it’s important to cultivate relationships between our faculty and students. “Our office serves as a catalyst for connecting these groups,” Blash said.
